Sunday, October 5, 2008

Things Fall

Nic ran the TC marathon today. Damian and I volunteered at the food booth. My were we lucky, it rained really hard and if we had been any where else we would have been soaked and cold. Otherwise, we were cold. Volunteering was good. I was wiped out for the day though.

Ann's birthday was Friday and I thought about her quite abit. After work, I went to the Campuc Club as the guest of Phil Platt. I saw Thom, Omar, Dustin, and Cathy pouring. We listened to Doug Hoverson and had a great time. Afterwards, I went to Doss's house and gamed with Gary, George, Walter, Nick, and Greg. We played Catan. It was Ok but I would have rather played the History of the World. Ate far too much snacks and had a couple of beers. Saturday, I gave a tour at Summit. I need to work on my tour and make it a bit more coherent. We then went to James and Martha' home for a homebrew tasting party. Good beers and good conversation all around. We stayed till about 10:30 then headed home. I awoke around 6 am to prepare for the Marathon. Whew!!!

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