Monday, March 23, 2009

March things

I haven't posted on the blog for awhile. For those of you who are following me, I am sorry. In the intervening time, I had been busy preparing for St. patrick's Day and playing with band on all of their gigs.We did Emmetsburg which was really good but a long, long day. I even curtailed my day by 5 hours, stopping around 9pm. Some of the lads continued on till 2-3am. I was quite good as I did not drink anything till our next to last bar, the Corner Bar. Their we were able to score some Sam Adams Winter lager and Michelob Amber Bock. Okay beers, but better than all the varations of light beer you could swill and some even light green beer. YUM YUM YUM!!! I drank a whisky and some beer. At the last gig, we ate and had some more normal beer, Fat Tire, Guinness, and something else. It was a lot of time spent doing this gig, however, the people of Emmetsburg love us. We can do no wrong. The weekend was shot.

On Monday, Thom and I played at Barley John's Brewpub for their 9th anniversary. We had food and beer. I drank the Anniversary Ale (red ale with lots of hops), Wild Brunette, and a couple of the Double Oat stout (excellent). A good time was had by all and we played really well. Damian, Molly, and Doug were there as well.

St. Patrick's Day, I came to work to do time cards and left around 9:30 to catch a bus to O'Gara's. The band always meets at O'Gara's and has for years. I guess always. There we tuned up and took a band picture jumped onto the bus and went to Summit. Bill Gilchrist joined us as well to hitch a ride to the parade. At Summit Brewing, we played for the employees and their yearly St. Pat's feast provided by Rahr Maltings. We played and then went onto the bus to the St. Paul parade. We were no. 29th in line. We played a lot. It felt like it was no stop. The weather was nice not as nice as Monday but really nice. We played through the landmark center for their IMDA event hosted by Phil. After the play through, we walked to the Liffey and played there as well as having some beers. We then got on the bus and went to the Bulldog in Lowertown, St. Paul. Played in and then had some world class beers, Maredsous 8 and the Duchess de Bourgonine. We made some converts to those beers. We then went back to O'Gara's for the world's shortest St. Patrick's Day Parade. We had a couple of beers. I actually shared one with Mary.

For Mary, this was her first parade and first St. Patrick's day. She was a good sport. A woman asked her what was under her kilt and she said, "running shorts". So we instructed her on clever retorts to the silly request. In O'Gara's, I was playing behind her, when we walked through a fetching brunette slapped her on the bum as she marched through. I related this to her and other band members and we had a laugh. But Mary did not want to be fetching to anyone especially another woman so she let her hair down. In her kilt though, I could see where someone think she amy be a guy. She has an androgynous look about her. I think she looks feminine but I am one person.

Thom and I then off to Barley John's to play for the crowd there. By this time our reeds were really wet so we needed to air dry them so we could actually play them. We met John's mother in law and children Rose and Nick. We couldn't play for them because our reeds were so wet. We did get them dried out enough to play a couple of tunes. We had drinks and food here as well. I should say really good food and really, really good beer. We met Katherine, Damian, Jen, and Jen's friend Terry who took to perry cider as a duck to water. I think she drank 3 glasses full which is a lot considering the perry is at wine strength. Katherine and I shared a Pizza Laura (named after John's lovely wife Laura), a vegetarian pizza which is to die for.

Next day, I was so shagged. I hurt everywhere. I went to the Historical Society for a CALCO meeting and learned more about Twitter. We also saw an exhibit on maps curated by Pat Coleman. the map exhibition was excellent.

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