Friday, September 4, 2009

State Fair Things

Went to the State Fair with Nic, Angie, Damian, and Ava. It was loads of fun. We saw the horse, pig, sheep barns. I drank 4 glasses of milk. We saw Ann's memorial brick at the DNR building. Looked at the fish in the fish pond. Went to Heritage Square and International Square and shopped around. I almost bought one of those East African skull caps but Nic and Damian thought I should then dye my beard with henna and wear a Somali men's dress. I had thought about getting one because Phil thought I looked wise in it. He had bought an African hat like mine at the RenFest. We saw the art exhibit. It was good but not as good overall. The drawing that won was an amazing piece of art. Nic got a Marine t-shirt for doing 20 pull-ups.

It is good going with them because I can buy somehting to eat and share it with 4 other people. Otherwise, I would roll out of there and be a 200 lbs. fat blob. We ate pot roast sandwiches, pulled pork sandwiches, deep fried candy bars, corn on the cob, onion rings, garlic fries, mango green tea slushee, malts, and other things that I can't even remember.

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