Thursday, September 2, 2010

Dragonflies/damselflies & things Faribault

ON Saturday, we woke up early and drove down to the River Bend Nature Center in Faribault. Kurt Mead, Minnesota Odonata Survey Project was giving a workshop. It was lovely, we met his family. There were only eight of us. A small but dedicated group. The day was hot and humid, a perfect August Summer's day. The air was alive with the hum of insects, bird's called in the trees, and a lovely breeze kept the sweat down to a trickle along my back. We checked out two place. One was along the Straight river just before it pours into the Cannon river. We did this in the morning. After lunch, we went out to the swampy land West of the nature center. It was there I caught the Rice County record - a Band-winged Meadowhawk. YOO HOO!!!!! I also caught a Twelve Spotted Skimmer on the fly. Lucky me!

After the workshop, I visited the graves of Dick, Deloris, and Ann on the hill and spent a few moments in contemplation.

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